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Hospital Bag Essentials

5 kids later, I finally mastered the hospital bag!⁣ With Miss Claire on the way any day now (hopefully) I am making sure everything is set and ready to go for her arrival. And that includes my hospital bag!

The first time, I had no idea what I needed. ⁣

The second time, I overpacked.⁣

The third time, I forgot chapstick and scrunchies.⁣

The fourth time, I forgot mints and gum.⁣

This time, I think I've finally got it down. Check out these lists below to see what’s in my bag.

Everything is broken up into 3 sections. One for me, the second is all about baby and the third is for your partner (yes they need some stuff too!)

I. For me⁣

A. Clothing:⁣

1. Gownie labor gown⁣

2. Fuzzy socks with grip⁣

3. Two nursing bras⁣

4. Two robes (one for pictures, one for real life)⁣

5. Two sets of PJs (brallette top for easy access)⁣

6. A sweat suit to leave the hospital in.⁣

***Notice I didn’t pack underwear. I intend to wear the hospital ones

B. Toiletries⁣

1. Toothbrush and toothpaste⁣

2. Chapstick⁣

3. Scrunchies⁣

4. Headbands⁣

5. BB cream⁣

6. Makeup remover wipes⁣

7. Mascara⁣

8. Blush/contour set⁣

9. Hairbrush⁣

10. Curling iron⁣

11. Travel size dry shampoo ⁣

C. Snacks⁣

1. Electrolytes powder⁣

2. Small tumbler w/straw⁣

3. Protein bars⁣

4. Gum and mints (labor gives you cotton mouth... especially when you’re high on nitrous gas )⁣

5. Cash/coins for vending machines ⁣

D. Electronics⁣

1. Long cable charger⁣

2. Fully charged iPad (turned off to conserve battery)⁣

3. AirPods ⁣

4. Tripod⁣

II. For baby⁣

A. Clothing⁣

1. Two swaddle blankets for skin to skin⁣

2. Freshly Picked velcro swaddle⁣

3. One footie⁣

4. Two gowns—one for pictures and one for real life⁣

5. Matching hats, bonnets, and bows⁣

6. Going home outfit with socks, booties, and mitts⁣c

B. Toiletries ⁣

1. Mustela wash and shampoo (best thing on earth for babies prone to cradle cap and eczema!)⁣

2. Aquaphor tube⁣

3. Comb⁣

***Again, notice no diapers or wipes... plenty of those at the hospital.⁣

C. Baby Gear⁣

1. A sling or wrap. I packed my Konny Baby Carrier this time!⁣

2. Nursing pillow ⁣

3. Car seat ⁣

***No breast pump—the hospital has plenty in case you need one and if there are no complications, your milk won’t actually come in for a few days.⁣

D. For pictures⁣

1. Name tag/sign⁣

2. Blanket to cover hospital bassinet mattress⁣

III. For your partner⁣

1. Picture outfit!!! They won’t do it if you don’t. ⁣

2. 2 sets of PJs⁣

3. Snacks! Pack them because the last thing you need is a crabby labor partner - seriously

4. Energy drink—they’ll need it.⁣

5. Toothbrush and toothpaste⁣

6. If this is your first time, a printed copy of your birth plan. ⁣

There you have it. That is my complete list, nothing more and nothing less. Did I miss a must have you couldn’t live without? Feel free to comment with it below so I can add it to my bag!⁣

Note: All of the baby items fit in my Lily Jadeco bag! I am so obsessed with it!

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